PitStop – Arthroereisis Implant

PitStop®Subtalar Implant
The Implant is made of PEEK. This biocompatible and inert polymer is flexible, which allows for placement in the sinus tarsi with better load distribution on bone surfaces versus stiffer materials such as titanium and stainless steel.

 Surgical Technique

A 1-3 cm incision is made on the lateral side of the foot in the skin overlying the sinus tarsi. Blunt dissection with a hemostat to the level of the joint capsule.

The Viladot’s Lever is introduced through the sinus tarsi. Move the lever slightly dorsal / medial and anterior / posterior to dilate the tarsal canal.

Once the talus is positioned on the calcaneus, the 1.6mm Guide Wire is introduced into the axis of the sinus tarsi until the wire is felt on the medial aspect of the hindfoot. Accurate placement may be confirmed with fluoroscopy.

Invisible on X-ray
The PitStop® Subtalar Implant facilitates the correction of pes plano valgus deformities.

Anatomical Shape with Lock-in Flanges
Biocompatible, PEEK Radiolucence (invisible on X-ray)
X-ray Markers for Placement Confirmation

Cannulated Insertion

The Inserter is used to press fit the Implant in the correct position with a pushing motion.  Do not screw Implant into place. X-ray markers at each end of the Implant help achieve the adequate depth with fluoroscopy visualization. The corresponding flat surfaces of the Implant and Inserter handle are aligned parallel to the lateral talar process, which is an approximate 45° angle to the fibula and the plantar aspect of the foot on the lateral view.

Unscrew the Internal Holder to release the Implant and push with finger pressure to remove the Holder from the Implant.

Hindfoot mobility is assessed to verify adequate correction. The wound should be closed according to surgeon preference.

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